מחלקת לשם שמים
[Arguments for the Sake of Heaven]


מחלקת לשם שמים [Arguments for the Sake of Heaven] is made by Elana Binysh, Maisie Newman & Ben Osborn. 

A commission from Ferment, Bristol Old Vic’s Artist Development programme.

A genizah is the bit of a jewish graveyard where the words go. Anything that has sacred text on can’t be thrown away, it must be buried. Anything with the name of God, or maybe anything the rabbis said, or maybe anything in Hebrew or Aramaic. The talmud, scraps of torah, shopping lists, fragments of letters and family recipes and receipts. Who decides what sacred means anyway? 

A poetic, reparative and tender mood piece that asks how we engage with the somatic archives of our religion as a way of unassimilating. Three performers are creating a ritual to unforget how to be Jewish. Shared food, candle light, half remembered songs, arguments over translations, sitting and steeping in grief and discomfort, and feeling.